Lolli Who?
Lollipop26, aka Laura Farrant gained fame on YouTube in a short time. You’re probably wondering how Laura got started making haul videos? She got her inspiration from amy04, who she credits as being one of the pioneers of haul videos. She also looked at pursebuzz, panacea81 and pinkiecharm regularly, who also served as inspirations to Laura. She was sitting at home bored one day about a year and a half ago and decided to make the “What’s in my purse” video and things took of from there. She loves blogging and hauls because its another outlet for her to obsess about cosmetics, beauty and clothes. Laura states that she is not a guru but simply someone who likes to shop and share. What an interesting way to look at it!
Laura is from London but is currently living in Dubai, a place she’s always wanted to live she describes as a “an LA with an Islamic twist”. When not on camera in her apartment she heads up a research division in a small digital agency. She admits that she’s drawn to a product or brand because she a sucker for hype, gimmicks and packaging. Interestingly enough, Laura researches how brand ideas appeal to the customers in a focus group or interview setting for a living. So reviewing, rating and selling products comes naturally to her and is perhaps why so many people love her videos. But her dream eventually be a beauty journalist, something she absolutely loves.
Laura buys most of the products she reviews and gives away from her personal, hard-earned money. She buys the products out of her own money because she doesn’t think that people will trust her opinions about products if she’s not confident enough in them to buy them with her money. There’s true to this, we all know that if a person has been given products it could taint their opinions, which undermines the reason she’s become so popular in the first place. Her honesty shines through, and trust her for it and are drawn to it.
In the short time Lollipop26 launched her videos she’s made over 79 uploads on her popular YouTube channel with more than 13 million upload views, and almost 5 million channel views. You can even follow Laura on Twitter where she has almost 20,000 followers and growing. She’s even got a supporter that create a fan page for her on Facebook. Maybe a true test of her new found fame is her demand for interviews by other bloggers. One more testament may be getting noticed by strangers while out shopping usually at a MAC counter. Check out Lollipop26’s page at a view one of the many interesting videos.
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