28 August 2010

Lollipop26 - Product She Loves Right Now!

Lollipop26- Products She Loves Right Now!

Body Soap and Lotion

Axe Fever Shower Gel- Brazilian Hot Mud and Red Dragon Fruit.  In some retail markets its also called Lynx. Why did it make her favorite products list? It has small bursting beads that give light exfoliation and it’s fruity, despite being marketed as a male product. You can buy this at almost any drug store in North American and Europe for about $6 USD. Visit www.theaxeeffect.com to see the full line of products.

21 August 2010

Best Products of 2009 Wrapup

At the request of her fans it looks like Lillipop26 will start doing an end of year wrap up of her favorite products. Though actually recorded in 2010, this 2009 wrap up video has a list of more than 20 favorites of skin care and makeup products. Here are few of Lollipop26’s favorites, some of you true Lollipop26 fans probably already have many of these products in your bathroom...but here we go.

13 August 2010

lollipop26's beauty commitments

Lollipop26 recently posted her commitment to beauty on her blog at http://www.lollipop26writes.com/ . It surprising and nice to hear a makeup guru admit to falling off the bandwagon every now and again.  In Lollipop26’s words it's time to make a change. Here are the six things that made her list of commitments. 

1) Finish my Crest White Strips pack!
2) Drink at least 2 litres of water a day - no cheating!
3) Keep on top of eyebrows rather than leaving them for 3 weeks
4) Commit to monthly pedicures - feet are important too and also ensure I pummice after every shower/bath! :)
5) Learn to love my epilator and NEVER shave
6)  Find out about biotin and whether it's worth taking for longer hair

So what are some commitments that you {her fans} are talking about?

Getting more sleep each night. Many many people under estimate the importance of sleep.  Not only does a lack of sleep affect your beauty, hence the term “beauty rest” but it also affects your health. Failing to get enough sleep or sleeping at odd hours heightens the risk for a variety of major illnesses, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity.  Scientist and doctors do know that not sleeping enough or being awake in the wee hours runs counter to the body's internal clock, throwing a host of basic bodily functions out of sync.  The amount of necessary sleep varies from person to person.
Finishing a full pack of whitening strips also topped fans list.  Almost every toothpaste company makes whitening strips or trays now; Crest, Colgate, Rembrandt, Listerine and more.  And for the most part, people agree that they do make their teeth a whiter.  There are a few things to keep in mind though.  Remember that there will be some fade back from drinking dark liquids like coffee, soda, and smoking. There is maintenance involved in teeth whitening. You should follow directions closely and finish the full pack as directed.
Take vitamin supplements consistently. Fans seem to be doing a series of different supplements.  Biotin to strengthen hair. But I bet you didn’t know that Biotin has also been used to combat premature graying of hair. Biotin has been used for people in weight loss programs to help them metabolize fat more efficiently. Hair, nail and skin supplements that can be purchased from stores like Vitamin World and GMC.  Omega-3 which some fans also credit as helping with healthy hair growth in addition to the other health benefits like reduced risk of heart disease, cancers and high blood pressure. 
Drinking more water also topped the list.  There are so many reasons to drink more water they all can’t be names in this post but here are a few. Drinking more water can give you healthy skin, solve digestive problems, cure headaches, give you energy, flush toxins from your body and help with weight loss. 
Some other popular beauty commitments; exercise more, use skin care products regularly, take liquid calcium. There’s more great beauty commitments out there.  What are your beauty commitment?

 Visit her fanpage at ShoppingHaul.net

lollipop26- What YouTube Fame Can Give You

I bet when Lollipop started doing her video blog she never dreamed it would bring her as much fame as it has. She probably thought it looked fun and she always keeping up with the fashion and makeup seen so why not try it. But look what’s its gotten her, more than 10 million viewers on YouTube, a name that is recognizable on the internet across the United States and the United Kingdom as an acclaimed makeup guru, and a chance to do something that she loves everyday which is to obsess about makeup, fashion, skin care, and give product reviews. It may also help that Lollipop26 works for a global online company and manage a series of research and insight products for them in one of the most desirable areas in the world, Dubai, which she describes as “LA with an Islamic twist”.
Lollipop26’s fame has gotten so big that makeup companies like Revlon, MAC and Barry M send her samples of products in the mail. One site even publicized a special for free nail paint on the Barry M website with the promo code Lollipop26 back in 2009.

It seems that YouTube has become a way for people like Lollipop26 to create careers and gain their claim to fame through blogs sites and vlogs? Which means that people can turn their hobbies into profitable and more fulfilling work, after their regular 9-5 job. Lollipop26 mentioned her desire to eventually become a beauty journalist in one of her interviews with another well known blogger, and it seems that she’s well on her way to achieving this goal.
More and more people are turning to YouTube to showcase their interest and hobbies to millions of others worldwide. Could YouTube soon become a source of reference for employers, list of experience in writing, proof that one is camera and technology savvy? The idea would be that YouTube has no limits in it’s potential to catapult you into your dream career. Lollipop26 wants to continue her work in the beauty world but where else is there to go from here? Maybe being offered a job at one of her favorite makeup companies. Now that the glass ceiling has been set by many YouTubers what’s the next step? Holding classes or maybe streaming live through www.ustream.com where people can watch live, ask questions and get answers in real time or suggest new products. Maybe the viewers should suggest how Lollipop26 can take this dream to the next level.

Visit her fanpage at ShoppingHaul.net

Lollipop26 Rated Top 5 Makeup Gurus on YouTube

In an article on Associated Content Lollipop26 made the top 5 list of YouTube Eye Shadow Tutorials and Makeup Gurus.  In this article Lollipop26 is sited as the having great some of the best makeup videos on the site.  Why did she make the list? The author feels like watching Lollipop26 is like listening to a friend instead of watching just your everyday tutorial.  The amount of detail she includes in her videos also pushes her to the top of the list.  This is one of the reasons why it’s so easy to create post about the her favorite products.  Not only does she tell you about the specific product in her haul but she also includes side notes and gives the brand names and colors of other products she also used to achieve the look. 

Lollipop26’s focus is hauls, personal favorites and review videos which come in handy for many viewers who may be afraid to try out a new product.  She almost always tries new products especially those with lots of hype and you can be sure that she will give you an honest opinion.  Also, she’s great at reading fans comments, responding to questions and trying products suggested by viewers. 

There are many other things that set Lollipop26 aside from other gurus is her honesty.  She will also tell you about a products limitations.  Some of the other gurus on YouTube are younger and as a result some of the products she uses may not be for everyone.  For example, someone in their late teens may not need to use Cliniques age defying moisturizer, or if some products may work better for oily skin and where you can purchase the product.  You can trust that Lollipop26 will give you the real deal about the product in her video, and reply to any comments or questions you have about a product. She will tell you if she bought a product or if it was sent to her as a sample by the company which is important because you want to know that her opinion is not tainted in any way.  Lollipop26 is also well spoken, which is very helpful when describing the product and it’s characteristics and application.  And if you missed anything on her video you can always check her blog where she post comments and reviews similar to her vlogs. If you haven’t already check her blog at www.lollipop26writes.com .  Not a big YouTube fan? You can catch Lollipop26’s videos on a host of other sites like www.saloncentral.com , www.barrym.com , www.makeupwebguide.com and www.nadinejolie.com to name a few. 


Lollipop26 often tops the list for one of peoples favoirte makeup gurus on YoutTube. Its unclear if this is true for both American and British fans?

What makes Lollipop26 your favorite? Is her personality? Her accent or maybe how thoroughly she reviews products

Visit her fanpage at ShoppingHaul.net

A Market Researcher? What her videos tell you about her career.

Lollipop26 heads up a research division in a small digital agency where she researches how brand ideas appeal consumers in a focus group or interview setting. She then reports back to the client on how we can make it work or sell better and whether they should target certain groups. What Lollipop26 does is called market research. Market researchers jobs are not only interesting but considering a great increase in international commerce and the need for businesses to remain competitive, they have become a lucrative profession.

Market researchers are consumer behavioralist who combine data with their understanding of current markets to help businesses better promote their products. In her job, Lollipop26’s day to day responsibilities may include things like; establishing research methods, collecting data on products or services and consumers’ needs and taste, reviewing and monitoring consumer reaction to new and improved products and services, developing procedures for identifying advertising needs, gathering data on competitor’s products and services, evaluate purchasing power and buying habits of consumers and measuring the effectiveness of advertising and other promotional techniques. Like Lollipop26 most market researchers practice inside an agency or corporation, some inside large firms or consult as a solo practitioner. Some of these job responsibilities tie directly into Lollipop26’s success on YouTube. Her reviews of products, hauls and tutorials come so naturally to her and perhaps it’s because its so similar to what she does for a living. Only on YouTube she only has to review product types that she loves, beauty products.

Can you be a market researcher like Lollipop26? Well, people and sales skills are very important. Take a que from Lollipop26... her people skills shine through in her videos. She’s well spoken, easily organizing her thoughts and accurately describing her feelings and opinions, which speak to the need for good communication skills. They will particularly come in handy when working face to face with a consumer in focus groups or in interview sessions. Strong creativity skills and great analytical skills are a must! You have to be good with data since most of the job is about collecting and analyzing market research. Lollipop26 is not afraid to try new products and give her opinions to millions of viewers and friends. So researchers should also be adventurous.

Wait...there’s more. Most market researchers get at least a bachelors degree in business marketing, but to move up the corporate ladder you may need a Masters degree in Business Administration. Most universities have marketing departments allowing you to major and specialize in different types of marketing. You should also be tech savvy because a large part of your job will include the use of databases and data warehouses to collect and evaluate data. Much of the market research is gather from websites so being web-savvy is also a plus. Check out more information on market research jobs at http://www.marketresearchcareers.com/ .

Generally, market researchers salaries are fairly high. In the U.S. salaries for a market analyst typically range from $44,000-$70,000. Project directors can make around $65,000-$90,000 and Market Research Directors can make upwards of $300,000. Check out http://www.allbusinessschools.com/faqs/marketing-salaries for more information on salaries. Salaries will vary by location and by country. Market researchers is a job that stretches across seas and is particularly popular in Western Europe, Asia and Latin America. Though many companies sell products in more than one country it’s important to know the domestic market you are in and chose an academic program to suit those needs.

Visit lollipop's fanpage at ShoppingHaul Here

Lolli Who?

Lolli Who?
Lollipop26, aka Laura Farrant gained fame on YouTube in a short time.  You’re probably wondering how Laura got started making haul videos? She got her inspiration from amy04, who she credits as being one of the pioneers of haul videos. She also looked at pursebuzz, panacea81 and pinkiecharm regularly, who also served as inspirations to Laura.  She was sitting at home bored one day about a year and a half ago and decided to make the “What’s in my purse” video and things took of from there.  She loves blogging and hauls because its another outlet for her to obsess about cosmetics, beauty and clothes. Laura states that she is not a guru but simply someone who likes to shop and share.  What an interesting way to look at it!

Laura is from London but is currently living in Dubai, a place she’s always wanted to live she describes as a “an LA with an Islamic twist”. When not on camera in her apartment she heads up a research division in a small digital agency.  She admits that she’s drawn to a product or brand because she a sucker for hype, gimmicks and packaging. Interestingly enough, Laura researches how brand ideas appeal to the customers in a focus group or interview setting for a living.  So reviewing, rating and selling products comes naturally to her and is perhaps why so many people love her videos.   But her dream job....to eventually be a beauty journalist, something she absolutely loves.  

Classified by many as a makeup guru, Lollipop26 is known for reviews mainly about makeup products.  Some of her absolute favorite products include: MAC Studio Fix, Bobbie Brown gel eyeliner, MAC carbon shadow, Burts Bees lip balm, L’Oreal Voluminious and MAC brushes. The things she deems essential...Terry Baume de Rose- great for lips, cuticles and any skin dryness, Tweezermans for eyebrows and a mirror, Lilash for long, lusciou lashes, Shu Uemura painting liner in black and Kiehl’s children’s sunscreen.  Now does this scream beauty obsessed or what!? But she’s got great friends and they accept her beauty obsession and even ask her for advice now. 

Laura buys most of the products she reviews and gives away from her personal, hard-earned money. She buys the products out of her own money because she doesn’t think that people will trust her opinions about products if she’s not confident enough in them to buy them with her money.  There’s true to this, we all know that if a person has been given products it could taint their opinions, which undermines the reason she’s become so popular in the first place. Her honesty shines through, and trust her for it and are drawn to it. 

In the short time Lollipop26 launched her videos she’s made over 79 uploads on her popular YouTube channel with more than 13 million upload views, and almost 5 million channel views.  You can even follow Laura on Twitter where she has almost 20,000 followers and growing.  She’s even got a supporter that create a fan page for her on Facebook. Maybe a true test of her new found fame is her demand for interviews by other bloggers.  One more testament may be getting noticed by strangers while out shopping usually at a MAC counter.  Check out Lollipop26’s page at http://www.youtube.com/user/lollipop26 a view one of the many interesting videos.
Visit her fanpage at www.shoppinghaul.net Here